Wesbite Portfolio

NJM Consultants have completed over 300 projects over the last 22 years and have been fortunate enough to work with exciting start-ups and established SME’s. Here are just a few examples of our recent work that demonstrate a variety of different designs and technologies to suit all budgets.

We add to our web design portfolio regularly so call back and see what's new. We may have a client that can help you!

Pewsey Self Catering

The Byre for Pewsey Self Catering is a luxurious self catering cottage in Pewsey, Wiltshire.

We were initially asked to assist in completing a website using a relatively new content management system. But quickly found that they did not offer a booking module.

We therefore looked at alternatives and chose to build the website using Wordpress as this system had many booking systems to choose from. We advised on a theme that would be most suited for the application, advised on the most suitable booking system for their need, and how to manage Search Engine Optimisation for promotion through the various search engines.

Our sister company Moore Photographics were invited to photograph the cottage.

In addition to the booking system they find that AirBnB is a very good source of bookings, and that the repeat bookings are done through the website's own booking page.

Website details:

  • Wordpress Content Managed Website
  • Wordpress integrated booking module
  • Photography by Moore Photographics
  • Search engine optimised
  • Updates are done by Pewsey Self Catering

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